I think players are acutely aware
I think players are acutely aware of the risk, frankly. I had a chance to meet again with Tim Tebow last night. He suffered a major concussion at Florida. HOCKEY HOMEWORK Agility Skating: Zig Zagging Let me ask you a question: At any point, have you ever needed to get past an opposing defenseman or forward? The answer, of course, is yes. A major part of hockey is the ability to beat opposing players so that you can either advance the puck or create a scoring opportunity. Unfortunately, when it comes to beating defensemen (and, by proxy, opposing forwards as well), the typical player's repertoire consists almost exclusively of body fakes and speed changes. Cheap Jerseys from china Consider this: we could have achieved this same goal by taking the extreme measure of never allowing her to leave home. We would achieve one goal but significantly impact another. While Amy Chua's daughters may be superstar performers at school and in their pre selected extra curricular activities, I...